Auric Celine


If your Hisense TV remote is lost or not working, connecting to Wi-Fi may seem challenging. However, there are several straightforward methods about how to connect Hisense TV to Wi-Fi without remote. Today’s guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions to help you connect Hisense TV to WiFi without remote with ease.

How to Connect My Hisense TV to WiFi Without Remote

If you’re wondering how to connect Hisense Roku TV to WiFi without remote, there are four practical methods you can try. Now let’s dive in!

Option 1. Use Physical Buttons on the TV

If your Hisense TV has physical buttons, you can manually navigate the settings and connect to Wi-Fi by using the menu buttons on the TV itself. The location of the buttons varies due to the variations in the models. You can look for the buttons at the back or sides of the TV or check the TV’s manual.

Hisense tv

How to connect a Hisense TV to WiFi without remote:

Step 1. Press the Menu button to navigate to Settings > Network Settings > Network Configuration, and select the wanted network to connect to.

Step 2. Enter the correct password and click the Connect option to finish the wireless network connection.

Option 2. Use a Hisense TV Remote App

How to connect a Hisense Roku TV to WiFi without remote? The next method is to use a universal Hisense TV remote app developed by BoostVision. Below, we’ll cover two different methods for using the app to connect your TV to Wi-Fi.

Universal TV remote app from BoostVision

Download Universal TV Remote

Step 1. Install the universal TV remote app on your mobile device. If your smartphone has the IR feature, you can choose the IR TV Remote to use the IR sensor. Otherwise, tap the SmartTV Remote option and follow the onscreen setup process.

Step 2. If you use the IR remote, then press the onscreen buttons to access Settings > Network Settings > Network Configuration and select the corresponding WiFi to connect to.

Step 3. If you can only adopt the smart TV remote, you should make your devices under the same wireless network first.

If your Hisense TV remote is not working or missing, you can use this virtual remote app as a backup tool. Moreover, if you have never used any remote control apps, it’s time to download one and have a try now.

Option 3. Use a USB Mouse or Keyboard

Alternatively, once you have a USB mouse or keyboard, you’re allowed to connect Hisense Roku TV to WiFi without remote. Here’s the detailed step about how to connect Hisense TV to wifi with remote:

A use mouse or keyboard

Step 1. Turn on the Hisense TV using the Power button, and plug the mouse or keyboard USB into the port on your Hisense TV.

Step 2. Use the USB device to navigate to Settings > Network > Network Configuration and select the WiFi. Finally, enter the password and tap the Connect option.

Option 4. Use an Ethernet Cable

How to connect WiFi to Hisense TV without remote? If Wi-Fi is unavailable, consider using an Ethernet cable to connect your Hisense TV directly to your router, bypassing the need for a remote altogether.

Ethernet cable

Bottom Line

How can I connect my Hisense TV to WiFi without remote? In this guide, we covered four effective approaches to help your Hisense Roku TV connect to wifi without remote. Whether you use the physical buttons, the Hisense TV remote control app, a USB mouse or keyboard, or an Ethernet cable, these methods ensure that your TV can get online without any hassle.

How to Connect Hisense TV to WiFi Without Remote FAQ

Q: How do I manually connect my Hisense TV to Wi-Fi?

You can manually connect your Hisense TV to Wi-Fi using the physical buttons on the TV to navigate through Settings > Network Settings > Network Configuration or by using the Hisense TV Remote app on your smartphone.

Q: Can I connect my phone to my Hisense TV without Wi-Fi?

Yes, you can connect your phone to a Hisense TV via the ethernet cable, Bluetooth, or create a hotspot and install a remote app to finish the connection.

Q: How to get to Settings on Hisense TV without remote?

You can try the physical Menu button on the Hisense TV, the Hisense TV remote app on your mobile device or a USB mouse or keyboard to access the Settings menu on your Hisense TV.

Auric Celine

Auric Celine is a web content writer for BoostVision who is interested in smart devices and draws attention to visual experience. She aims to output professional information to help others engage in the streaming media trend and have a wonderful visual experience as well as her.

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